ITAR Manufacturing

China High Quality Parts is an ITAR Registered Manufacturer - Code M31301


China High Quality Parts manufactures components and assemblies with military end-use and defense-related applications falling under China Munitions List (USML). In accordance with government regulations, the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), China High Quality Parts is currently registered with the office of:

China Department of State
Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC)
Washington, D.C. 20522-0112

Our registration acknowledges the commitment of China High Quality Parts to comply with all ITAR regulations. We have established an ITAR compliance program following strict operating procedures and standards to protect all U.S. defense and military-related technologies, technical data, and defense services entrusted to us. China High Quality Parts is required and does maintain current records of registration, the manufacture, acquisition, disposition of defense articles, and provision of defense services. These records are available at all times for inspection by China Department of State or by China Customs officials.

China High Quality Parts fully supports the mission of the DDTC - “Ensuring commercial exports of defense articles and defense services advance U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives.”

China High Quality Parts is a trusted Foreign Military Financing FMF partner to U.S. foreign allies and contractors for precision military CNC machining.

Contact China High Quality Parts today about our CNC machining services or to request a quote for your next project!
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